A Fresh Start: How To Keep Your New Years Vaping Resolution

January 02 2021

When it comes to New Year resolutions, 2021 is going to be filled to the brim. The fresh start is a chance for everyone to change for the better, and if you’re a smoker, you know what that means. Whether this is your first time quitting or your tenth, vaping is the best way to commit to your quit smoking resolution. Need some T-Juice style motivation to keep you going? Here’s a few ideas straight from the vaper’s mouth.  

Take your vape everywhere

Wherever you wander, taking your vape device with you can stop yourself from relapsing at your weakest moments. One of the best parts of being a vaper is the endless high street vape shops open around the country. If you left yours at home and you’re far away from home or even if you're getting bored of the same e-liquid flavour, head down to the local vape shop.  

Chat to the community

Vaping is enjoyed by millions of people around the UK who managed to quit tobacco with the help of vaping. Fortunately, you can chat to them all online! If you feel yourself coming into a difficult patch with your smoking habits, join the conversation in the T-Juice communities on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.  

Keep things simple

When you’re taking your first steps into the vaping world, it’s important to keep things simple. There’ll be plenty of time in the future to have some fun with DIYing and sub-ohm vaping. For now, we’d recommend going for the basics - a gorgeous Red Astaire e-liquid coupled with an easy to use device. That’s all a vaper could ask for.

Measure your progress

As with any New Year Resolution, measuring your progress is one of the key paths to success. If you can visualise your achievements, the journey becomes a lot more rewarding. We’d suggest using a calendar and crossing off every day that you didn’t smoke - this will reinforce the progress you're making and reduce your chances of relapsing.  

DON’T dual use

We can’t emphasise this one enough. Dual-using refers to continuing to smoke while switching to vaping, and is never a good idea, even if you’re going through a rough period. If you’re struggling with cravings, it’s always best to increase your nicotine strength. You can also purchase some Longfills and create nicotine levels that fit your own personal tastes. Whatever, you do, don’t go back to cigarettes.   Quitting is never easy. Making it past those first few weeks is the key to your success, so make sure you keep your vaping kit handy wherever you go. Not only will you save a ton of money, you’ll also be joining one of the most exciting communities in the country!